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Electronic payments? Check. √

Goodbye paper checks. You’ll love our simple, streamlined e-payment functionality.

NAHGA has partnered with Zelis Payments to provide robust e-payment functionality that simplifies accounting and speeds payments in the claims process. Providers can opt to accept ACH or a virtual credit card. Which means there’s no need to wait for a check to come in the mail.

Electronic Payments Icons

Zelis Logo

Our e-payments offering also provides:

Reduced Administrative Costs & Complexity

By replacing paper-based payments and remittances with an electronic process – you can simplify the delivery of payments and data which results in decreasing manual tasks, consolidating data and reducing overhead expenses. 

Proactive Service and Fraud Monitoring

Rest assured—our Provider Enrollment Team monitors your payments to guarantee they are processed in a timely manner. Our team also watches for any suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity. Should an issue arise, we will alert you and develop a solution. 

Full traceability and encryption for state-of-the-art security

While there is risk in anything, the risk of using electronic payments is minimal due to electronic payments being traceable at all times. The Zelis electronic payments platform uses the most rigorous controls and operational procedures. All files are encrypted and transactions are executed in a secure environment.

Zelis ACH Features and benefits:

  • Get your payments and claims data delivered automatically with ACH. Payments are received up to 20 days faster than mailed checks and costly manual processes and workarounds are eliminated.
  • Settle payments directly into your bank account quickly and securely
  • Manage payments and remittances from multiple payers and payer groups from a single account
  • Streamline your workflow with one point for connectivity for enrollment and data
  • Cut down on paper check waste and processing time
  • Gain automatic access to new payers that join the Zelis Payments network

Zelis Virtual Credit Card features and benefits

  • Receive payments within three days with virtual cards by simply entering the virtual card number into your card terminal. It’s that easy.
  • Experience trust with our MasterCard backed payment cards
  • Enter virtual card information into the card terminal to receive payments for that claim
  • Receive card numbers and Explanations of Payment via fax or download from our Provider Portal
  • Reduce office time and delays associated with errors by combining payments as single transactions
  • Give staff time back to focus on higher value projects